EDLVI for Education & Technology  

 Mansoura International Industry School




  Mansoura International Industry School (MIIS)
MIIS shall provide technical and technological education as well as vocational training and expand all their types in accordance with international quality standards and in compliance with labor market needs. MIIS is aware of our special responsibility when it comes to forward-looking and sustainable progress in our region. Interdisciplinary clusters and close collaborations with our partners from the business and science communities have promoted the emergence of a highly focused profile, international liaison and successful projects to overcome these challenges.

MIIS offers the students an outstanding technical education, individual support and the opportunity to learn together as well as from each other with curiosity and an open mind. MIIS offers the student the chance to prove his mettle whilst still at study, and to actively contribute to shaping the future.

MIIS promotes the skills needed by our students and staff so as to provide creative, effective and competent input, and encourage enthusiasm.

Our goal is to offer the students a good quality technical education with high standards. MIIS offers all the facilities that make the students experience perfect and provides a good educational journey. They are wide with high ceilings creating a relaxing atmosphere for the student. MIIS believes that the student’s mental health is important to reach the best educational levels. In addition, it adapts new and interesting educational methods to make the process more interesting.



MIIS Objectives
  • Building Partnerships aiming at providing skilled workforce that are internationally accredited
  • Maintaining a balance between work-based learning and classroom learning
  • Offering Technical Education programs that satisfies labor market requirements, with gradates acquiring competencies identified in consultation with industry
  • Graduates with competitive personal character and skills foundation, capable of self-learning during his whole life.
  • specialization serving future needs of labor market itaking care of technological development



Role of the Industrial Partner (DMG-MORI)
Industry 4.0—also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or 4IR—is the next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector, driven by disruptive trends including the rise of data and connectivity, analytics, human-machine interaction, and improvements in robotics.

Industry 4.0 brings these inventions beyond the previous realm of possibility with four foundational types of disruptive technologies (examples below) that can be applied all along the value chain:

  • connectivity, data, and computational power: cloud technology, the Internet, blockchain, sensors.
  • analytics and intelligence: advanced analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence .
  • human–machine interaction: virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), robotics and automation, autonomous guided vehicles.
  • advanced engineering: additive manufacturing (such as, 3-D printing), renewable energy, nanoparticles.
The partnership between Vocational Schools (VS) and industries is needed to produce competitive graduates in the Industrial era 4.0. Such individuals will help in obtaining employees who are able to sustain the industrial growth. This is because such interrelations are mutually beneficial and can help develop students' competence level. The partner industry has an important role in increasing the competence of vocational students. Therefore they have the competencies needed by the partner industry, since it has a role in increasing student competence.

Future-oriented CNC Training at top industry standards is an essential factor for the economic development of a country. Therefore the DMG MORI Academy supports educational institutions with innovative concepts, products and services: from the machine tool through software solutions, to teaching aids. With DMG-MORI know-how from equipping more than 1,000 schools in Germany, you allow your scholars and students to enjoy training according to German standards.

  • Training concepts according to German standards by a worldwide leading manufacturer of cutting machine tools.
  • Comprehensive training of teachers with intensive “train-the-trainer” modules.
  • Holistic consultation as well as competent planning and implementation of your training centre.
  • Training documentation and basic curricular adapted to your requirements – proven 1,000-fold in practice in Germany.
  • Industry 4.0 education packages for future-oriented training.



MIIS Facilities
  • Computer Labs
  • Labs & Workshops (CNC Machining, 3D print)
    Machining is a controlled subtractive manufacturing process which can be used to create high precision parts. Milling uses a rotating cutting tool that moves around the part to create a variety of features. Turning on a lathe spins the part and moves a static cutting tip along to create revolved profiles. Drilling is the most basic process and can be used on both mills and lathes to drill basic holes. The CNC machines use computers to control the movement of the machine to create parts more effectively than possible by hand. The main goal of the center is to teach manufacturing techniques
  • Library
  • Sports (Swimming Pool, Gym / Track, Spacious Playing Area)
  • Art & Design Spaces
  • Theatre & auditorium
  • Cafeteria
  • Clinic
  • Green spaces